Rolling shutters

Rolling shutters are effective at preventing burglary, although perhaps not always the most attractive form. Yet there are more and more individuals and companies who consciously choose rolling shutters. They are effective, robust and durable. Through innovation they also roll smoothly and become practical in use. But not every blind is suitable for the building or object to be protected. Therefore we will tell you what to look for if you are considering securing your property with rolling shutters.

Inbraakwerende rolluiken

When to choose rolling shutters?

Rolling shutters are mainly used for securing shops and businesses. Individuals choose rolling shutters less often. Applying shutters namely demands a certain discipline. Every time you leave the house or building your blinds should be closed, otherwise the investment makes little sense. This is why for a business they are ideal. However, for individual use it often fails, as burglars automatically see when you are not home. For a retailer this is not a problem, they have fixed times and only open the rolling shutters once a day. The aesthetics?  You do not have to necessarily place them on the front of the openings; they can also be placed on the inside. 

Why are rolling shutters suitable as intrusion prevention method?

Rolling shutters are made of steel or polycarbonate (an unbreakable glass). This makes them very difficult to break. If burglars see these shutters, they know that it is going to cost some time to get into the building.

And if there's one thing that burglars don’t have, it’s time. In addition, our shutters can be fitted with internal detection, so you can detect intruders at an early stage. Yet another reason for burglars to turn around! 

Veiligheid Rolluiken

Grilles and doors

Besides rolling shutters you can also choose rolling grilles or rolling doors. The latter of the two prevention tools is like a combination between a fence and a shutter. The advantage of a rolling shutter or rolling grille? That it saves a lot of space above a doorway. The rolling grille is compacted and coiled behind the lintel, so you do not lose valuable space on the sides of your hall or on the ceiling. In addition, a roller shutter or rolling grille is the perfect protection for building openings such as intersections, driveways, doors and windows. As a result, burglars are already stopped at an early stage. Where the grilles can be applied best? In compartment rings and seals of shop fronts, openings and garages! 

Are you curious about the applications of rolling grilles or rolling shutters in your situation? Please contact us for a meeting!