
Every year one in 32 homes suffers an (attempted) burglary. More than half of the burglars choose the door as a means to get inside. It is therefore important that you have a good understanding of how simply your door can be cracked. In addition, you should not only think of the door itself, but also of to the lock, hinges etc. The advice of insurance companies and the police is to have at least two locking points on windows and doors, when something should be intrusion resistant. 

A lock on the door

Most doors automatically close on the latch. A burglar can easily unlock this with a simple credit card. To force open a single-point lock (a lock that is secured in one place in the door) is a breeze for any intruder. Therefore, we normally advise on a three-point lock, as it has very few weaknesses and can’t be pried open easily. You could also choose for a special lock on the entrance door that is locked automatically when the door is closing, without using your key; this makes it very difficult for the door to 'pinball'. 

Core pull security 

The core pull method roughly consists of the intruders using a tensioning-screw that is rotated within the cylinder of the lock, fracturing the mechanism. Burglars can often be inside within 30 seconds. Therefore, by choosing safety fittings to provide cylinder protection, you protect the cylinder of the lock from drilling or pulling. 

Independent SKG Hallmark on Architectural Inbraakpreventie

SKG (Foundation for Quality Facade Construction) is an independent institution that monitors the quality of products in the construction industry. On the basis of an inspection by SKG, how much resistance a lock or a latch provides to a would-be intruder is examined. This resistance is displayed in 3 classes.

SKG een 1 ster sloten

SKG 1 Star – 3 minutes delay

Systems labelled with 1 star offer at least 3 minutes of resistance to an attempted break in, with the burglars using simple tools like a crowbar or a screwdriver. 

SKG twee 2 sterren sloten

SKG 2 Star – 5 minutes delay 

Safety locks with this level of security offer 5 minutes of resistance against intrusion, with the burglar having a comprehensive tool kit. 

SKG drie 3 sterren sloten

SKG 3 star – 10 minutes delay

A lock marked with 3 stars is guaranteed to protect your property for at least 10 minutes, from a burglar with heavy tools. Not only the lock is graded, so are the hinges and the cylinder, plus the door and the frame provide adequate resistance. 

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